Max Ernst - определение. Что такое Max Ernst
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Что (кто) такое Max Ernst - определение

Max Ernest; The Attirement of the Bride
  • ''Habakuk'' (1934), bronze, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
  • One of two versions of ''L'Ange du Foyer'' or ''The Angel of Hearth and Home'' (1937) oil on canvas, 112.5 x 144 cm., private collection
  • Ubu Imperator]]'', 1923, [[Musée National d'Art Moderne]], [[Centre Pompidou]], Paris

Ernst Künz         
Ernst Kunz; Ernst Kuenz
Ernst Künz (23 February 1912 – 21 August 1944) was an Austrian football (soccer) player who competed in the 1936 Summer Olympics.
Ernst is both a surname and a given name, the German, Dutch, and Scandinavian form of Ernest. Notable people with the name include:
  • Screenshot of an older Max/Msp interface.
  • Various synthesizers and instruments connected to Max.
Max/MSP; Max/Msp; MaxMSP; Max MSP; Max/msp; Patcher; Max MSP Jitter; Max Msp Jitter; Max for Live; Max/MSP/Jitter
·noun One who patches or botches.


Max Ernst

Max Ernst (2 April 1891 – 1 April 1976) was a German (naturalised American in 1948 and French in 1958) painter, sculptor, printmaker, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst was a primary pioneer of the Dada movement and Surrealism in Europe. He had no formal artistic training, but his experimental attitude toward the making of art resulted in his invention of frottage—a technique that uses pencil rubbings of textured objects and relief surfaces to create images—and grattage, an analogous technique in which paint is scraped across canvas to reveal the imprints of the objects placed beneath. Ernst is noted for his unconventional drawing methods as well as for creating novels and pamphlets using the method of collages. He served as a soldier for four years during World War I, and this experience left him shocked, traumatised and critical of the modern world. During World War II he was designated an "undesirable foreigner" while living in France.

Ernst was born in Brühl. He began painting in 1909 while studying at the University of Bonn, and later joined the Die Rheinischen Expressionisten group of artists. Ernst's work often featured ironic juxtapositions of grotesque elements with Cubist and Expressionist motifs. He had a fascination with birds, often including his alter ego, Loplop, a bird, in his work. He eventually settled in France and achieved financial success in the 1950s. He died in Paris on 1 April 1976.

Примеры употребления для Max Ernst
1. Surrealists such as Andre Breton, Max Ernst, and Andre Masson have created decks by drawing each card one by one.
2. Focusing mainly on painting, the exhibition moves from the emotionally inspired expressionist period to playful surrealist works by Max Ernst and Salvador Dali.
3. "Stella" is a loose neositcom – a series of cerebral, absurdist, Max Ernst–style sketch bits strung together by a vague situation. (The set–up is something like this÷ three nave men perpetually in suits live together in an apartment above three irritable women, who bait them; their landlord is Josef Mengele.
4. "Stella" is a loose neositcom – a series of cerebral, absurdist, Max Ernst–style sketch bits strung together by a vague situation. (The set–up is something like this÷ three naïve men perpetually in suits live together in an apartment above three irritable women, who bait them; their landlord is Josef Mengele.
5. These are tropical forests for northern imaginations." Rousseau‘s blood–red setting suns and white moons rising over the forest canopy remind me of the ossified forest paintings of Max Ernst, just as it is difficult to look at his street scenes without thinking of De Chirico and Salvo.